Title: Ordinary People
Author: E. E. Montgomery
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Rating: 5/5 Hearts and 5/5 Hyperbolic Smooches
When Queensland Police Force Constable James Laramee raids a
hotel room, he finds Vinnie Canterbury on top of a naked, dead man, covered in
blood. Vinnie promptly vomits all over James’s shoes.
Thanks to a cocktail of horse sedatives and Hendra vaccine, Vinnie’s memories of his ordeal are fractured. Finding the culprits and the reasons behind his abduction will be a challenge. With his apartment trashed, his building set on fire, and his clothes, phone and wallet gone, Vinnie needs a place to stay. To his surprise, James not only takes him in, but also lets him cry on his shoulder. It must be true love. Vinnie has plans for his future with James all mapped out, and he hopes he can get James on the same page.
Review: Niki-O’s Down Low on Ordinary People by E. E.
out of 5 Hearts and 5 out of 5 Hyperbolic Smooches
Heh. I need to start by saying that I
think I might need to change my name to E.E. something or other, because
clearly those with the double ‘E’ initials before their penname are destined to
be fantastic authors. Cummings (poet), Montgomery (current review is about),
and Ottoman (recent 5/5 review by moi) all prove this point for me. Okay, now that the scattery tangent part of
the review is done, let’s move on to the meat of the matter.
Ordinary people was an over the top,
hyperbolic fun house of a story, and I loved every single second of my reading
experience. I loved the way the author didn’t shy away from the crazy things
that can all pile up on top of each other in real life, but that in fiction all
too often get watered down or have pot shots taken at them as being too out
there. The pacing of the story was simply delicious, the tone always spot on…
it wasn’t trying to be an everyman’s story. Yet Vinnie and James’ story is so
engaging, so perfectly told for these two men that it became the story of
everyone who has every had an unbelievable set of events unfold in their life.
*raises hand* I know I’ve had days
like the one Vinnie kick-starts the story with, and I’m betting some of you
have as well. Not every person on the planet
is going to have a wild rocket ride of a week like Vinnie does in this story,
and not all of us are going to find our one true love… but if you’d like to, or
would just like to be wildly entertained for the length of a story, then E.E.
Montgomery’s Ordinary People is a must read.
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