Title: Zeek's Loving Thorn (Narcoleptic Vampire Series 3.1)
Author: Dicey Grenor
Publisher: Self-published
Rating: 4/5 Smooches
She's an intersexed, newly turned vampire.
He's a human who was left behind.
Together, they learn how to love each other...
and survive in the final days.
I like this post-apocalyptic world. This book is part of a series, and even though the rest of the series is M/F, it makes me want to go back and read it. I loved the characters, specifically Zeek, who is intersex with both male and female genitalia.
Zeek seemed to prefer being referred to as a woman so I'm going to use SHE for the purpose of this review. Zeek is a pretty badass character who can kick ass and take names, but has a lot of compassion.
Thorn is a dick. Seriously, he really is. He wasn't a great guy in his life before, and he's admittedly selfish but trying desperately to be a better person. To say he is thrown for a loop by his attraction to Zeek and the subsequent discovery of Zeek's differences are putting it mildly.
I think this book is a relatively good stand-alone, but would probably make more sense in terms of certain character interactions if read within the series. I love the portrayal of an intersex vampire character though. This little book is definitely a gem, and if you are interested in a little diverse reading, I think you will too.
Currently only available through Amazon: Here
or in Paperback through Create Space: Here
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