Saturday, March 29, 2014

Review by Cam: See You in the Morning by A.T. Weaver

Title: See You in the Morning
Author: A.T. Weaver
Publisher: Self-Published
Rating: 5/5 Smooches


Jake and Dave lived and loved for over fifty years. During that time, they campaigned for gay rights. They married each other three times until, finally, in 2013, the United States Supreme Court declared DOMA to be unconstitutional and thus legalized their union. 

They made a family and raised four beautiful children together.

When he loses Dave to a massive stroke, Jake feels his world has ended. Join him as he relives a life well-lived through memories triggered by photos of his and Dave's years together.


Oh My Gosh. I fell in love with Jack and Dave and their children, and their lives. A.T. Weaver had me crying in the first 4 pages of her book, to the point that I put it down for a couple of days. You see, I got the review request in my inbox, and I hadn't even looked up the blurb before I started to read it. I didn't know Dave would die so soon into the book, and it took my breath away. 

The love etched in these pages is amazing. It's written in a unique style. In snapshots. At first, I wasn't sure that I liked it but as the book progressed I absolutely loved how it skipped forward to the important moments in Jake and Dave's lives. I also love how it started in the 1980's and ended up in the 2050's. There are so many important secondary characters in this book that absolutely MAKE the book. Our lives are intertwining circles, connected to so many important people, and this book shows that. It shows how one act can make a difference, and it shows how the love of partner and family can make a life. 

I'm so blown away by this story that I just really don't know what to say. It's not sexually explicit. It's more of a sweet story that isn't all about the romance between the couple. Yes, there is romance, but it's more a story about the endurance of love. I think this from the book sums it up almost perfectly: 

"What happened to 'Too many people start into a relationship with the idea that if it doesn't work out okay, they can move on to something better.' ?" 
Jake looked deep into Dave's brown eyes. "You're right. It's all or nothing."  

I cut off the rest of what Jake says, but this reflects how both men lived their lives. All in. I love that so much. 

After reading this book, which is a little bittersweet, as life most times is, I know that I'll be reading more by A.T. Weaver. 

Please support this indie author by purchasing the book at the following retailers: 

1 comment:

  1. The book ends in 2050??! That and your review have me seriously intrigued now.


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